Super Carpets Care

Are your carpets looking old or dirty?rnGet them cleaned to look like new! With our carpet cleaning Rochdale service.rnIt costs a fraction of the price to get your carpets cleaned over buying new.rnAnd we are right here in Rochdale! Super Carpets Care hopes that while you arernhere, you will take the time to look around and find what sets Super CarpetsrnCare apart from the competition. What you'll see is that we run the largest,rnmost powerful, truck-mounted and mobile carpet cleaning plant in operation inrnthe local area. There simply isn't another carpet cleaner in Rochdale with thernpower or capacity that Super Carpets Care brings to your home or your business.rnWe are "Five Star" rated everywhere you look online for carpetrncleaning services.

Contact Details

Address Details
6 Union St
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Opening Hours
Mo: 9:30 AM To 5:00 PM Tu: 9:30 AM To 5:00 PM We: 9:30 AM To 5:00 PM Th: 9:30 AM To 5:00 PM Fr: 9:30 AM To 5:00 PM Sa: 11:30 AM To 9:00 PM Su: 9:30 AM To 9:30 AM

Range of Service

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