Sun & Shield

Window Tinting Company
Founded in 1977, Sun & Shield is a premier window film installer and window tinting company based in Bonita Springs. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, we provide top-notch auto window tinting, boat window tinting, and window tinting removal services. Our skilled and experienced team brings four decades of expertise to every project, ensuring craftsman-level workmanship and an outcome tailored to each client's specific needs and preferences. As a trusted name in the industry serving the community for over 40 years, we are dedicated to delivering innovative solutions designed to protect your property from harmful UV rays while enhancing the overall appearance of your vehicles and boats. Satisfying a wide range of window tinting needs, we extend our services to customers all over the Bonita Springs area. For a free consultation or to learn more about our services, visit us at or call us at (239) 947-5661. Explore the difference in quality with Sun & Shield—the superior choice for all your window tinting needs.

Contact Details

Address Details
10351 West Side Ln Bonita Springs
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Opening Hours
Mo: 8:00 AM To 6:00 PM Tu: 8:00 AM To 6:00 PM We: 8:00 AM To 6:00 PM Th: 8:00 AM To 6:00 PM Fr: 8:00 AM To 6:00 PM Sa: 9:00 AM To 6:00 PM Su: 8:00 AM To 9:00 PM

Range of Service

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