Smt. S.R. Mehta & Sir K.P. Cardiac Institute
Excellent Cardiology Hospital In Mumbai At SRM Hospital
Smt. S.R. Mehta & Sir K.P. Cardiac Institute is todayrnrecognized as one of the best cardiac care centers in Mumbai. Being one of therntop ranked cardiac hospitals of the city, we offer a range of cardiacrntreatments and services with our state of art cardiology dept, staffed withrnsome of the most experienced cardiologists in Mumbai. We also havernconcentration in Orthopaedic services, physiotherapy, imaging and pathologyrnservices. Indoor and outdoor patients both are treated at our specializedrnhospital and casualty department is completely systematic with all modernrnamenities necessary for emergency treatments. Our services in the tertiary carernhospital of Mumbai include being a cashless hospital, and offering appropriate,rnquality health care services to all. Trusted for the prime cardiac andrnmultispecialty healthcare treatment in India, SRM Hospital is your best option.