K & W Appliance and Repair

Appliance Repair Shop
Since our establishment in 1968, K & W Appliance and Repair, located in Florence, has been a leading appliance retailer and repair shop, serving Tuscumbia, Killen, and the surrounding areas. We're dedicated to delivering top-quality new appliance parts, reliable used appliances, and unparalleled repair services, aiming to keep your home operations smooth and efficient. Need to upgrade or fix your home appliances? Let our trusted expertise work for you. Choose K & W Appliance and Repair, for a seamless, efficient, and pleasant experience. Contact us today!

Contact Details

Address Details
120 S Royal Ave Florence
Phone:2567646121 Phone:2567109124
Legal Entity: Sole Proprietorship Founded: 1968 No Employs: Turnover:


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