Daksh Netralaya
Daksh Netralaya: Eye Specialist in Jabalpur
Daksh Netralaya wasrnconceptualized to address the growing demand of quality and specialized eyerncare in Jabalpur and Mahakoshal region at an affordable cost to ensure that thernentire spectrum of eye diseases could be treated at one place itself. Apartrnfrom addressing general ophthalmology services like refractive errors andrncataract, Daksh Netralaya is a superspeciality center for corneal transplantrnand retinal surgery. The center takes pride in stating that it is the onlyrnprivate center performing all types of corneal transplants a.k.a keratoplastiesrnin this region. Daksh is affiliated to Ramayamma International Eye Bank at LV PrasadrnEye Institute for supply of donor corneas which are transplanted to patients ofrnthis region. The doctors at Daksh Netralaya are trained from the best eyerninstitutes in the country including LV Prasad Eye Institute, Sankara EyernHospital and Aravind Eye Care System which ensures high quality for itsrnpatients.