Corwell Furniture

Professional furniture makers in Reading, Berkshire, UK

Located in Unit 6, Amners Farm, Amners Farm Rd,rnReading RG30 3UE, United Kingdom, Corwell has established itself asrnthe leading company excelling in quality custom-made or hand-craftedrnfurniture to suit your exact requirements. Teamed with skilledrncraftsmen, we are producing and supplying carefully designed,rnconstructed, and finished furniture to residential, commercial, andrnindustrial belts of Reading, Berkshire, the UK. We could live up tornour customers' expectations since we carefully hand-select everyrntimber piece and purchase top-quality fittings to bring out thernbeauty of the finished furniture that would further complement a roomrnsetting. As professional furniture makers, we specialize inrndesigning, engineering, and producing custom-made furniture. Our teamrnknows the secret art to utilize the craftsmanship to produce the bestrnbespoke furniture our customers need from us. No project is too bigrnor small for us.  

Contact Details

Address Details
Unit 6 Amners Farm
Legal Entity: Founded: No Employs: Turnover:


Opening Hours
Mo: 7:30 AM To 4:00 PM Tu: 7:30 AM To 4:00 PM We: 7:30 AM To 4:00 PM Th: 7:30 AM To 4:00 PM Fr: 7:30 AM To 4:00 PM Sa: 10:00 AM To 1:00 PM Su: 10:00 AM To 1:00 PM

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