Why You'll Never Succeed at Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Why You'll Never Succeed at Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Elsewhere, throughout history, witches were reported to have used formulas and ointments for the purpose of creating mind-altering effects: flight ideas, migration, and encounters with therianthropic creatures.

Many believe that

This is where the witches get their idea of ​​using ‘magic’, by changing their minds. Common ‘toadstool’ mushroom are often associated with witches and are featured in cartoons - see Disney's Fantasia mushroom dance area - willy wonka and the chocolate factory as Fly Agaric Mushrooms, which is closely associated with hallucinogenic properties.


The Fly Agaric mushroom

Is reported to be one of the first sources of Entheogens - a psychological component of spiritual knowledge - dating back to 5000BC. It is said to have been used in ceremonies by Siberian natives: mushrooms that activate GABA receptors.

  • The same ones activated by alcohol
  • And benzodiazepines in your
  • Brain and create soothing
  • Hallucinogenic effects

However, these types of mushrooms are different from the ‘magic mushrooms’ we are thegaiavoice.com about today. The latter contains the psychedelic drug psilocybin, first discovered near human bones in 15000BC - suggesting possible human use of the fungus.


Despite this, there is no real scientific consensus for psychedelics until the 20th century. The name itself was coined only in 1957, by scientist Humphry Osmond. It comes from the Greek word "psyche" - meaning "soul" or "spirit" - and "delos", which is translated 'reflect' or 'express'. Therefore: to express the mind or soul.

The term was born after

The experiment with lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD, or acid), which was The Gaia Voice compiled in 1938 by a Swiss scientist named Albert Hofman. After accidentally rubbing some on his finger, he felt a “strange feeling of constipation and restlessness”.

Surprised, she decided

To take an extra dose a few days later. Concerning the subsequent experience, he wrote: "I completely lost control of time: place and time became more and more chaotic ... My 'mind' was hanging somewhere in space and I saw my body lying on the couch."

This was the first step in understanding psychedelics and their role in unraveling the mysteries of the human brain. The discovery of psychedelic LSD structures allowed significant improvements in the way scientists studied the brain, how the brain communicates and led to greater understanding and differentiation of mental illness.


The discovery that LSD can trigger symptoms such as psychosis (distortion and hallucinations, mental disorder, delusions) began to lead to a greater understanding of schizophrenia.

It is related to the availability of serotonin and its presence in the brain, which led willy wonka and the chocolate factory to conclude that serotonin imbalance or misdiagnosis may cause partial schizophrenia in many patients, which helped trigger the production of a promising therapeutic number.

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