Why Staying with Therapy Matters, Even When It is Tough?

Why Staying with Therapy Matters, Even When It is Tough?

“When we numb the dark, we numb the light.”


— Brené Brown


Therapy is often depicted as a serene journey ofrnself-discovery, but in reality, it is challenging work. It demands patience,rnvulnerability, and a willingness to confront difficult truths. It isrnunderstandable to feel like quitting when therapy becomes intense. However,rnthese challenging moments are crucial for real growth and healing. Therapyrnbenefits are most profound when you commit to the process, especially duringrntough times when the real breakthroughs often occur. If you are struggling,rnhere is why it is important to stick with therapy:


1. The Struggle is Part of Growth


Therapy is not easy. If it were, mental health issuesrnwould be resolved overnight. The struggles you face during therapy signal thatrnyou are addressing deep-seated issues. These moments of discomfort arernopportunities for meaningful change. Just as the pain that you experience whilerndoing physical exercise only reduces or goes away through further exercise, therndiscomfort associated with therapy also becomes easier to navigate, as yournslowly learn to be friends with the uncomfortable parts of yourself.


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Persisting through these tough times can lead tornsignificant progress.


2. Building Inner Strength


Life is filled with challenges, and therapy helps yournbuild the strength to face them. By continuing with therapy, even when it isrndifficult, you are reinforcing your ability to handle stress, fears, andrnworries. This inner strength not only benefits you in therapy but also enhancesrnyour overall resilience. Over time, you will develop skills that help yournmanage life’s ups and downs with confidence.


3. You are Not Alone


It is important to remember that you are not alone onrnthis journey. Your therapist is there to support and guide you through toughrntimes. They are trained to help you navigate these challenges and provide arnfresh perspective. If you are feeling overwhelmed, lean into their support.rnSharing your fears and frustrations can be a relief. Not only will yournexperience a sense of safety in sessions, the therapist will also give yourntools to slowly climb the ladder.


4. Facing Emotions Leads to Healing


Therapy often requires us to confront challengingrnemotions such as anger, sadness, fear, or grief. While avoiding these feelingsrnmight seem easier, it can prolong and deepen your struggles. Facing themrndirectly, however, can pave the way to healing. Life has a way of bringing usrnface-to-face with the emotions we try to avoid. Instead of being caught offrnguard by these feelings, it’s more empowering to understand your relationshiprnwith them and find resources to navigate them effectively. This proactive approachrnhelps prevent these emotions from becoming obstacles and supports your journeyrntoward emotional well-being. Therapy benefits don’t always show up right away,rnbut staying patient and committed can lead to meaningful changes that improvernyour emotional well-being over time.


5. Gaining Self-Understanding


The most challenging moments in therapy often lead tornprofound insights about yourself. Understanding your patterns, beliefs, andrnpast traumas empowers you to make choices aligned with your true values. Thisrndeeper self-awareness is a valuable outcome of the therapy process. To bernfrank, if certain truths about yourself don’t surprise you, make yournuncomfortable; or give you a certain push, growth will not ensue.


6. Healing Takes Time


A common misconception is that therapy yields instantrnresults. In reality, healing is a gradual process with ups and downs. Progressrnmay not always be immediately visible, but it’s happening beneath the surface.rnBe patient with yourself and the process, and trust that, over time, therapyrnwill lead to meaningful changes.


7. You Deserve Healing


By sticking with therapy, you are affirming your worthrnand commitment to your well-being. It is okay to struggle, but do not give up.rnYour persistence shows that you believe in your potential for healing andrngrowth. Take initiative; ask yourself questions; clear your doubts with yourrntherapist; keep reminders for yourself; approach it with curiosity rather thanrnfear.


Disclaimer: Inrnthis blog, we have discussed the importance of sticking with therapy even whenrnit feels uncomfortable. However, this does not apply to feelings of discomfortrncaused by an unsupportive therapist. If a therapy session makes you feel judgedrnor excessively uneasy, that is not what you deserve. It is crucial torndistinguish between discomfort that is part of your growth and situations thatrnput you in distress or rejection. Conversation with the therapist or shiftingrnto a different therapist is important in the latter situation.  Therapyrnbenefits are truly realized when you give yourself the time and space to heal,rneven when the journey feels hard—because that’s when the most meaningful growthrnhappens


Conclusion: Embrace the Journey


Therapy might not be easy, but it is a worthwhilernendeavor. Embrace the tough moments as they signal growth and change. Byrnstaying committed, you are investing in a brighter future filled with strength,rnunderstanding, and self-discovery. Remember, healing is a journey, not arndestination, and you do not have to walk it alone. Your therapist is there tornsupport you every step of the way.


Trust in the process, and you will achieve a healthierrnand more fulfilling life. "Staying with therapy,rneven when it gets tough, is key to finding real, lasting change and emotionalrnhealing.

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